Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tues., Oct. 16, 2005

Mary Jo, our church's family ministries coordinator, voiced today what may be the case for a growing number of Chicagoans: She's sick of the Sox. It's everywhere in the Chicago area. Yesterday as I was driving on the freeways, the big electronic board telling drivers how long their commute is going to be also congratulated the White Sox for making it to the World Series. All of this discussion brings up an important point about bandwagons. Many Chicago baseball fans insist that you have to choose. You're either a Cub fan or a Sox fan. You can't be both. Since I'm not a native, I'm able to cheer for both (as long as the Reds aren't still in it) so I'll be watching the World Series with my White Sox cap and encouraging my daughter to wear her White Sox pajamas.

Some Christians also believe in the bandwagon concept, meaning you need to be a Christian for the long haul. It irritates more than a few that Jesus has given a loophole that gives people a chance to come on board at the last minute no matter what. The eminent philosopher Bart Simpson once had this exchange with a traveling preacher named Brother Faith:

Bart: Excuse me, Brother Faith? I've gotta know -- how did you *really* get the bucket off my Dad's head?
Brother Faith: Well, I didn't, son. You did. God gave you the power.
Bart: Really? Huh. I would think that He would want to limit my power.
Faith: [laughs] Oh, yes, Lord. When I was your age, I was a hellraiser, too. [holds up Bart's slingshot] My slingshot was my cross. But I saw the light, and changed my wicked ways.
Bart: I think I'll go for the life of sin, followed by a presto-change-o deathbed repentance.
Faith: Wow, that's a good angle. [contemplates for a second] But that's not God's angle. Why not spend your life helping people instead. Then you're also covered in case of sudden death.
Bart: Full coverage? Hmmm.

God wants us to have full coverage, of course. But grace is a bandwagon, meaning there's room for everyone at all times. Even Cubs fans. Even Sox fans.


SeekingAlethia said...

As a Cubs fan who recently moved into the area and is engaged to a fan the White Sox have newly acquired, I must say... great words. Sometimes it is frustrating for Christians to accept 'deathbed conversions', but perhaps that is a result of Chrsitians over-confidence in their own future. In fact, I'm pretty sure it is. We as Christians have lost the anticipation of the return of Christ that was seen in the early martyrs of the first three centuries of Christian history. When we live with the knowledge (the hope!) that Christ is returning soon, very soon "The kingdom of God is near!" then we would not be so quick to condemn deathbed conversions. Our salvation is from death and sin, so why is it so horrible that the eminent threat of death spurs one to salvation. The fact is (and i know you agree) we are all condemned guilty-as-charged and our death is very soon! My conversion was just as much a 'deathbed' 'bandwagon' conversion as the man with cancer. Praise God for bandwagon grace!!

p.s. Go White Sox (I echo your non-native sentiments!)

Christian Coon said...

Thanks "threecroses" for your comments!