Friday, September 15, 2006

Goodbye, blogspot...

It's been a great 12 months or so on blogspot, but my blog is moving on to (hopefully) more adventurous climes.

It's a very, very, very rough start, but I took a plunge into the domain name waters, bought genxrev and now have a new home at:

In addition to all this newness, the blog has my first attempt at a podcast where I've recorded this Sunday's sermon. You can also go to iTunes, click on the "Podcasts" button on the upper left, type in "genxrev" in the search engine and you can listen to me there.

Frankly, I'm sick of myself and wouldn't be surprised if you are too, but, here it is. I'm going to keep this blog up, however, if you want to read earlier posts.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

SeekingAlethia said...

I will miss you on blogspot... but alas, i understand. There are bigger and better sites. And i'm definitely not sick of you. I love reading your stuff. Thanks a ton!