"What are we having for dinner?" our 6-year-old will ask.
"Chicken stir fry."
"I don't like that," he'll often say.
"What do you want?"
"I don't know. What do we have?"
And on and on it goes. Kids can be picky eaters and I speak from personal experience because I was a picky eater. My kids actually do pretty well compared to me. But there was and is always something at the table.
It's easy to drown people with statistics when it comes to hunger, but one that stuck out to me recently is that there were 286,310 children who lived in poverty in Cook County last year. 286,310 children who probably didn't necessarily know if there would be something at the table.
There are so many ways that we can make a difference in Jesus' name. Remembering all those children when we pray, "Give us today our daily bread," is a good place to start. Remembering and also acting.
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