Monday, January 04, 2010

I resolve...

I'm all about resolutions. And not just resolutions for a new year. Each day, week, month, I try to take advantage of newness to improve some aspect of my life. As I type this, I realize it may read like I'm sort of insufferable self-improvement fanatic, but that's not the case. At least I don't think it is. I think it's more of my recognition that I am and always will be a work in progress and want to do all I can to be open to, well, progressing.

I try to keep my resolutions short and practical. Not sure if I make them realistic or not, but I give it a shot.

In 2010, I want to:

**Be intentional about having devotional time every day (I've slacked on this in recent months)

**Eat more fruit

**Send birthday cards. Real, paper birthday cards.

That's it. There are other things I also try to make progress on, but, for now, these will do. I thought about resolving to have a smaller carbon footprint. Certainly I'll try to do that, but I need to think of something that makes it more practical.

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