Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Being prayed for

There are days when you cling to the hope that other people's prayers can carry you, when you simply feel too tired to pray. I had one of those days yesterday.

I agreed a few months ago to act as a co-leader of a group of pastors who are on probation. Not the "bad" kind of probation, but pastors who have been commissioned and who are in the process of putting in 3-4 years of time in a ministry setting before they are ordained. We met yesterday.

It's usually not a good thing for me to do things on Mondays. I'm a creature of habit and Monday is my day off. Having to do something as "pastor" on a Monday, then, really throws me. In addition to that, the nature of my role is to subtly guide and listen. That sounds pretty easy, but when I do it for a full day I'm exhausted by the end of it. We were at the end of our day yesterday and we finished with a communion service. It was fairly brief, but, I must confess, I wasn't in a worship mood at all. I was concerned about traffic, wanting to get home, wanting to simply not be there. Because of that, I found it hard to pray.

But I read somewhere that that's when others' prayers are so necessary. Perhaps there are those who are eager to pray all the time. I can't claim that. When I can't pray, though, I should be thankful that others can.

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