Thursday, March 09, 2006

Smaller than a Hummer

I had to drive into Chicago for a meeting yesterday. I pulled into a parking lot (this is not relevant to my post today, but I will never get over the parking prices in Chicago. I was there less than two hours and paid $27) and started the search. I made my way to the 7th level and saw a few spaces that were reserved for "small cars." I had to make a quick decision. I have a 4-door Toyota Camry. Not exactly small, but I also didn't want to be late. I pulled in saying to myself, "small enough." As I made my way to the elevator, however, I noticed something interesting. One, two, three minivans. One Jeep. And, yes, one Hummer. All parked in the "small car" spaces. The Hummer, you might imagine, took up almost two spaces. I immediately felt justified. My car may not technically be "small," but it's a heckuva lot smaller than some of the others!

I justify more often than I'd like to admit. Perhaps we all do. If we feel guilty about a certain behavior or if we know we're not taking on something we should, instead of repenting (turning away from the behavior and turning toward God), we justify. We can always find someone else who is doing something worse than we are. That's very handy, but it can impede our spiritual growth.

Matthew 7:3: "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?"

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